Week #13 sweeter than honey
A sad highlight last week was the discussion we had at a protocolario event with the United Nations' refugee agency's (UNHCR) Mexico office to mark our church's contributions to their programming to assist refugees and internally displaced persons in Mexico. Media focus is often on the immigration pressure on the southern US border without delving into the magnitude of the challenges in Mexico. Mexico is among the top five countries worldwide in terms of asylum-seekers with people from110 nationalities requesting international protection this year. Mexico isn't only a country of origin and transit for refugees and asylum-seekers en route to the US, is has also become to a refugee destination. As context, Canada has had 26,585 refugee applications this year (January to September) while Mexico has had 127,796 (January to October). The US has indicated it will accept up to 125,000 refugees annually for resettlement but those rejected entry into the US add to the homelessn...